Finally got Mark out for a cleanup hunt, but when we got there we decided to do a guy a favor who canceled late but they already put his birds out. We said we would take that field and pay for his six birds. Well we ended up seeing so many birds. Actually had a 15 plus bird flush. It was amazing to see that many birds flying all over the place. We ended up with 13 birds we took home. Even got my first chucker of the year. It was a great hunt but Willow got beat up kind of bad. Her paws started bleeding so we put her back in the kennel and ran Autumn by her self. Willow ended up being on 7 points and Autumn was in on 9 points. We had 10 birds when we put Willow back in the car and Autumn ended up pulling four more and we got three. I think we missed about 5 all day that we shot at. There were a lot popping up where we couldn't get a shot off on them cause they were to far out. A great day watching the birds work! This puts Autumn to 199 and Willow to 281. If Willows paws heal up quick she is on track for 300 easy this season and Autumn should have no problem getting to 200.
Pheasant hunting german shorthair pointer illinois chucker quail Coon Creek hunt club guide service, GSP

Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Guided hunt with german shorthair pointers. Coon Creek Hunt Club
Did a great guided hunt on the 12/27/15. It was a 9 bird release and the guys ended up taking 12 with a few misses. A nice group of guys to take out with the dogs. Each dog was on at least 7 of the points. This brings Willow up to 274 and Autumn up to 190. It was the coolest day as we had two double points and the guys got both of the birds. It was great to see the dogs holding points on thei birds even when the other bird came up and was taken.
Guided hunt Coon Creek Hunt Club with GSP german shorthaired pointers
Did a guided hunt about 10 days ago and got caught in a rain storm. It was a ten bird release and we ended up taking six. The birds were running and the rain didn't help. A rough day for the dogs and all involved. Sorry no pics as I just wanted to get out of the rain. Willow is up to 266 and Autumn is up to 183. Will be posting the last two hunts we did soon.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
12/22/25 clean up hunt with german shorthair pointers. Birds a fly'n
Got out to the fields knowing they were holding a lot of water due to all the rain and warm weather we have been having. Didn't really expect much but wanted to run the dogs. We ended up taking 6. We let just as many fly away. Passed on one due to building behind the shot, and two were just to close to the road for my comfort. Two no shots because they popped out to far out. On one of those we downed a hen and it landed on another hen that took off. That was wild to see. Also, hit my best shot if the year as a bird was flying high and far out. Dropped it like a stone. It was a great day in the field! Willow was on fire again and pointed four of the birds we found which puts her to 263 and Autumn pointed two on her own and a good double with Willow. Autumn is at 180
12/13/15 hunting with Don and Mark. German shorthair pointers. GSP on the pheasants!
Had a great hunt with my old neighbor Don and Mark. We released 9 and took 11. Missed one. Willow was on fire and really was working the birds good. She pointed 7 on her own and two with Autumn. Willow gets nine points and Autumn gets 4. A great day watching the dogs work! This puts Willow to 259 and Autumn to 177. Sorry it took so long to do this write up. I can't find the pics we took. If I locate some I will add them!
Friday, November 27, 2015
Guided hunt after the snow melt and 2" of rain german shorthair pointers
Had a really hard hunt on a swamp of a day. A six
Bird release. Took two home, but saw 9. It was really rough with birds running and deep water.
The dogs had fun though. This puts Willow to 250 and Autumn to 173. A good day in the field. Sorry no picture today!
Bird release. Took two home, but saw 9. It was really rough with birds running and deep water.
The dogs had fun though. This puts Willow to 250 and Autumn to 173. A good day in the field. Sorry no picture today!
Did a guided hunt on the 26th. It was a large hunt with three guides. The group I went out with got 16 birds with a few misses. It was a great group to be out with and we had snow cover which really made the birds hold tight. The dogs had great points and each dog was in on at least 10 of the points. I hunted them alone for a good part of the hunt and then pulled them both out at the end. It was the best hunt so far this year! This puts Willow to 248 and Autumn to 171.
Upland pheasant hunt with uncle John german shorthair pointers at coon creek
Got the dogs out on a 6 bird release with uncle John two weeks ago. We pulled 8 birds but only took 4. It was a hard hunt which made it a lot of fun. The dogs worked great! This puts Willow up to 238 and Autumn to 161. Autumn was really on the birds today!
Monday, November 9, 2015
Guided hunt Coon Creek Hunt Club German Shorthair Pointers
Got out for another guided hunt on the 8th. Ended up doing a double guide with another guide at the club. We worked two fields together for the 16 birds they released. Ended up taking 13 birds. A few misses. The birds were running again with the temps in the mid 50s and the sun shining. I would guess Willow and Autumn were both in on about 5 of the birds each, some were even double points. The other guides dog was on at least half the birds as well. It was nice to work the dogs with another good dog. It was also nice to be out guiding for a good group of guys, good conversation, good dogs, and birds, what could be better! This Puts Willow at 237 and Autumn at 158.
Monday, October 26, 2015
German shorthair pointers GSP pheasant hunting at Coon Creek Hunt Club Guided hunt
Got out on the 25th for a morning guided hunt. I was excited to be out and there seemed to be birds running around before the field was even set, but I sure didn't expect a hunt like we had. The guys released 30 pheasants and 10 chuckers in two fields and I guided one of the fields which meant we had 15 and 5 released. Well, the birds were running harder than I have ever seen. After 2 hours my group had 4 birds taken only, and I was really starting to get worried as I could tell the birds were moving. The dogs would get birdie and the we would find nothing. Saw a few just run away. Well, I decided I had to push the dogs a little harder and we started finding more birds. Ending up taking 13 in total with my groups with maybe four misses or so. Ended up getting better at the end, but honestly was a very hard hunt for me, the dogs, and the guys that we guided for. I think they had a good time in the end, but boy were we all beat. We took 11 of the 15 pheasants and 2 of the five chuckers. Each dog was on point on at least 7 birds. That puts willow at 232 and Autumn at 153. Let's see what kind of numbers they get this year.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
6 for 6 pheasant hunt Coon Creek Hunt Club German Shorthair Pointers
We got out for the second hunt this season. Put out six birds and brought home six. Didn't see any extra birds, but the dogs worked the field hard. We ended up with two ringnecks roosters, a cinnamon rooster, a black rooster and two hens. It was nice to see the temps drop which made it a little easier for the dogs today. We even got a double point. Both dogs were on a different birds. Uncle John took the first one and I got the second. The birds were running a bit but they all came up. Was nice to seethe dogs work and autumn did great retrieving again. This puts Willow at 225 birds and Autumn at 146. They eaxh pointed five of the birds on this day.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
10/3/15 Opener pheasant hunt at Coon Creek with German Shorthairs
Got out today for the first hunt of the year. Was really just going out to get them a little work and to see how they would do having been off birds for so long. I figured I would be lucky to get one of the three I put out, thinking I would need to work the dogs on distance and holding points. Well, got out and they both instantly froze on a bird. Bird got up and bam one in the bag. Start walking and less than five minutes later both dogs freeze up on point again. The bird tried to run when I went to kick the grass. The dogs tracked it down and it took flight. Bam, number two in the bag. Walk for about 20 minutes and the dogs freeze up on another bird. This one is moving. I can tell by how they are pointing and breaking and pointing again. After a good 10 minutes of this in a small area a hen takes flight. Shot one misses, but shot two connects. Three birds in the bag. I figured that would be it for the day and decided just to work the dogs for a little longer. Well another half hour goes by and we turn a corner and a bird busts out. I hear it but don't see it for a bit. It was a good 75 yards out and I pass on the shot. Walk a bit more and decide to practice a little by the tree line and bam the dogs freeze up! I look all over where they are pointing and nothing flushes, but they are frozen. I take another look and see a rooster sitting in the one area I guess I didn't check about 3 feet from autumns nose. It takes flight and bam, number four in the bag. The dogs are a little beat up from the grass so i decided to end the hunt. I head back to the truck and see it's only 930. Well for a short hunt and a first hunt I was sure happy to see the dogs working so good. This puts Willow at 220 and Autumn at 141. This us starting out as a good year!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
4/3/15 guided pheasant hunt with GSP german shorthair pointers
Had day to get any pics as we seemed to be rushing around a lot. The guys did a round of
Clays before we started, so we started a little late and then ended a little late. Tried to get on the birds fast. 16 released in my field and 12 taken with a a handful of misses. The dogs worked good, and the birds were actually holding better than I thought they would. Willow is up to 216 and Autumn is up to 137. Next season I am going to score different as I feel I am robbing them a bit as most times both dogs are pointing the bird. I am going to give both dogs credit for the bird if both are pointing it. Might be more solo hunts next season, as Autumn is really ready to go alone.
Clays before we started, so we started a little late and then ended a little late. Tried to get on the birds fast. 16 released in my field and 12 taken with a a handful of misses. The dogs worked good, and the birds were actually holding better than I thought they would. Willow is up to 216 and Autumn is up to 137. Next season I am going to score different as I feel I am robbing them a bit as most times both dogs are pointing the bird. I am going to give both dogs credit for the bird if both are pointing it. Might be more solo hunts next season, as Autumn is really ready to go alone.
Monday, March 30, 2015
German shorthair pointed guided pheasant hunt scheduled got 5/3/15
Got the call to do another guided hunt this Friday. It should be fun, I just wish I knew how many birds were being released and what field I will be in. Watch for pictures and an update later Friday or Saturday.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Guided German Shorthair Pointer pheasant hunt GSP on fire
Well got out with a real good group of guys today for the pheasant hunt. Had a rookie in the group which makes it fun for me. I love to see a guy get his first bird. Well is was a larger group of guys so the group was split in half with two guides in two fields. My group ended up taking 15 birds and missed a few as well. The dogs were working good and I tried to get some pictures with the gopro but haven't had a chance to check then out yet. If any turned out I will post them. I am giving each dog eight today as they both really pointed almost every bird together. It's really amazing how well they work together. That puts Willow to 210 and Autumn to 131. Not sure if I will get the chance to go out again this year but I am hoping. It was really a good day in the field with a bunch of good guys to guide for.
Can you see the rooster in this point?
Another good point.
Can't shoot the ones by the cars, guess the dogs didn't know that!
Sunrise on the Garden Prairie Rd.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Guided hunt scheduled for the 28th.
Not sure what kind of hunt this will be. Could be a small or large release, I guess we will see on Saturday.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Willow hit 200 and it was a great way for her to hit it! Coon Creek Hunt Club. GSP german shorthair pointer pheasant hunting
Well somehow I deleted this post. Well got out with Adam today. Did an 8 bird release and ended up taking 13. Willow got number 200 in the coolest fashion. Adams dog Zuzu flushed a bird and Adam shot it. As Zuzu was retrieving the bird Willow went on point. As I walked up I saw the rooster and approached to flush it when it started running. Willow chased it down and took the bird on her own. That's only the third bird she has ever taken. I felt it was fitting considering it was number 200. Well the dogs had a harder time with birds running like crazy. Willow got to 202 and Autumn got to 123. A great day in the field and Adams dog was on fire!
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Great day with the german shorthair pointers at Coon Creek
Got out for a solo hunt today. Just wanted to run the dogs really, so it was only a three bird release. Well, we ended up taking six home. Both dogs worked great today, but it was hard hunting as the birds were running and they all seemed to be in the timber. Willow is up to 199 and Autumn is at 120. I am starting to rethink how I keep track of these numbers. Both dogs pointed 5 of the birds we took. Each dog had one solo point. Do I just split the total or give each dog five birds. Each dog was shot over five times, but I am not sure how to score this for them.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Looking for some wild birds next year.
Starting to think about trying to get on some wild birds next year. I am trying to stay close to home, but wonder if the Dakotas are my only real other option. I might try there unless I can locate someplace closer to hunt. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
German shorthair guided hunt GSP on 3/15/15
Got out today and did a guided hunt. The guys released 10 birds and took home 8, which was good considering the warm up that happened here the past week. Temps shot up to mid 60's and the birds were running today. Willow and Autumn each seemed to get three birds a piece, which puts Willow to 196 and Autumn to 117. The guys had a nice flushing lab they brought out and he got two birds up. He is learning what he needs to do and went in and flushed most of the birds Autumn and Willow were pointing. With the great temps and a couple of good guys, and dogs, it was a great day to be in the field!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Pheasant hunt with the GSP german shorthairs at Coon Creek on 3/8/15
Took mark and John out for a 9 bird release. Hunted field 3, my first time in that field, and it's a hard one to hunt, especially since the birds were running into the timber. At about 3 we got bird nine, and Mark and John decided they had enough. I saw a small area that looked good for birds and told them we should make a quick circle through it. They said no they were done. I told them I would meet them at the car in 10 minutes. I made the circle and pulled out three more birds. I thought it was kind of funny. We ended up with 12 birds and missed three out there. Got a chucker in the group. Willow was on fire and pointed 8 of the birds today which puts her to 193. Autumn was always right behind her backing her up but only found three which puts her to 114. Johns dog pulled the chucker. Not sure if Willow will hit the 200 mark as I am not sure if I will get another chance to guide. There are only two weeks left in the season.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
German shorthair points GSP guided hunt 3/1/15
Got out to guide a hunt at Coon Creek today. Nice group of people I guided for and the dogs performed well. There was a seven bird release in the field we were in and the group ended up taking eight birds (I think they missed two). The snow pack seems to have softened up a bit and the dogs did good. Willow again has some pad scraps, she seems to get new ones on every hunt. She seems to have way softer pads than Autumn who never seems to have pad issues. This hunt puts Willow up to 185 birds and Autumn up to 111. There is a month left and I am hoping to have Willow get to 200 this season, but that's going to depend on how well we can get her pads to heal up. She would go out with any pad issues, but I don't want to subject her to that.
Got out last weekend with mark for a Saturday afternoon hunt. We released 6 and took 10 home. They dogs worked hard today and the snow didn't have that nasty crust that hurts their pads. Willow ended with with a few scraps on her pads but nothing to bad. This got her to 181 birds. Autumn is up to 107. Going out this afternoon for a guided hunt. Hope to get willows numbers up.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Guided hunt on 2/15/15 german shorthair pointers GSP at coon creek pheasants
Got out to guide a hunt today. Conditions were not ideal, as the temps were struggling to reach 0. The dogs had a decent day considering the temps and rough snow they kept falling through. Hunted them one at a time due to the cold weather. Willow got to go first and found most of the birds. She pointed 4 of the five that were taken. Autumn ended up pointing a few birds, but we only got one for her. The guys released 6, took five, and missed three. These guys were a good pair to guide for. They seemed to have a good time and I hope to see them out at the club again. This puts Willow at 176 and Autumn at 102. I hope to do some more guiding before the season is over.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
2/8/15 Coon creek hunt with GSP and Mark
Got out today despite the weather forecast calling for rain. It was a good overcast with a bit of mist, but actually a good day to be out. The dogs worked hard and found a lot of birds, but we missed a few also. We released 6 and took home 9. The birds were holding good, but some were flushing at weird angles. We only hunted for a little over two hours and let 5 get away for another day. It was the best conditions I have had so far this year, snow on the ground, birds hold fairly well, and two dogs having fun in the field. What more could you ask for. It's not about the number of birds in the bag, but rather the experience in the field. This puts Willow at 172 and Autumn at 101. I wonder if Willow will get to 200 this season?
Pheasant hunting 1/31/15 with Jeff and Mark and the two GSP s at Coon Creek
Took Jeff from deer camp and Mark for a hunt on this day. We missed a few, but the dogs worked hard. We ended up taking nine on a nine bird release. The dogs are really starting to work better and better together and seemed to back eachother on every point. It was fun to get out with someone new. Going to try and get the rest of the deer camp guys out soon. Willow is up to 167 and Autumn is at 96 for their careers. It's hard to decide who to give credit to on the birds, so as long as both dogs are working good I am just going to split what they got. I could give them both credit for all the birds, but that just doesn't seem right.
Got out to Gum Farm. Took home three
I took pictures of this hunt on a camera. I will load them when I can. Took my daughter out and we took home three birds. She was taking pictures during the hunt for me. Both dogs were working great together and point all birds as a pair so I am giving both of them credit for the birds, that puts Willow at 162 and Autumn at 91. It was a great day to take a kid out and hunt.
Big phesant hunt. Lots of Hens flying. German shorthair pointers
Sorry haven't posted in a while. It's been busy around here, but I have been getting out and hunting. Here is a 13 bird hunt from a while back I didn't post. Willow is at 159 and Autumn is at 88.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Gum Farm hunt club genoa il, 1/2/15
Got Autumn out for her second solo hunt. She did great with her range! We released 3 and got 6 or 7 up, but I only took two. I think it was my worst day shooting in a long time. Autumn is now at 78 birds.
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