

Saturday, November 29, 2014

11/29/14 Went out with Uncle John to Coon Creek

My uncle has been a member at Coon Creek for the past few years.  Well, Norma his hunting dog, is now 14 and not able to make it out any longer. He got himself another GSP, Gertie, but she is not turning out to be a hunting dog.  Willow was out of the question today with two scraped up dew claw pads, so it was Autumn on her first solo hunt along with Gertie who was along for the walk.  It look promising for Gertie today when she went after the first downed bird with Autumn, but that was about all she showed for interest today.  She had a good walk.  Autumn was on fire for her first solo hunt. Bs he worked the field good and pointed birds from some good distances and moved in slow to show us where the birds were holding up.  We released six birds, pulled eight out with Autumns good points, and ended up hitting six  to take home.  It was a good day in the field seeing Autumn taking control and working the field hard with nice strong points and retrieves..  It was great seeing her do what she loves to do.  Willow was very upset that I left her home, but I keep telling her it was for her own good.  That puts Autumn to 51 birds!

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